Here you'll find prayer requests specific to the ministry of Refuge Media. We appreciate your prayer above any other form of support. If the people of God will go to Him with their burdens and needs, we believe that He will carry them and provide for His glory. Any Christian can bring these requests before the throne of God and we thank you for remembering us before the Lord.
Pastor Dale Cunningham of Boones Creek Bible Church with some insights on prayer.
- General Requests
- God's direction in the selection and creation of scripts and projects.
- God's provision in the form of equipment and people.
- Specific Requests
- God's provision of a permanent studio.
- Writing of a new Christmas script.
- 1517 The Flame Rekindled is making the festival circuit. Please pray that God will be glorified.
- Production of Invisible War on the Saints with Greg Patten.
- Casting and shooting of upcoming micro movies.
- Pre-production of Bible Buddies TV.
- Provision of equipment, props, costumes, and sets for the micro movies and Bible Buddies TV.
- DVD distribution of 1517 The Flame Rekindled.